Heritage of Experience

Instant is a product of our creation based on information collected throughout the years
Did you know that we were the first in 2013 to launch a unique cardless mobile solution for payment authorisation - now called FuelCode™?
Originally our founder Gundars Ozols derived Instanic's SaaS business from his previous fuel card business experience. Personally experiencing and understanding all in and outs, in addition to the mobile payment solution he cleverly developed various tools cutting the card administration costs by more than 30%.
Now the evolved and refined FuelCode™ is widely used forecourt B2B mobile payment method with a range of BMS and ERP tools to choose from. Besides, it can easily replace or add a digital solution to already existing plastic fleet cards.
And what's more amazing - by onboarding ever-more businesses, Instantic has now evolved into a vast ecosystem for additional sales and network spanning, directly connecting fuel retail - fleet card - CRT businesses.
Imagine a world where you can instantly launch a business with a pool of customers and other networks while keeping your customer ownership!

Meet the Team

  • Gundars Ozols
    Chief Executive Officer
    + 371 29 211 040
  • Mārīte Straume
    Chief Commercial Officer
    + 371 29 101 783
  • Jūlija Sproģe
    Chief Technical Officer
    +371 29 442 066
Proud Partner Of
  • UPEI represents European importers and wholesale/retail distributors of energy and related service providers to European transport and heating customers, independently from the major producers. Operating from the energy production gate to the final consumer, UPEI members supply conventional energy and increasingly its molecule and electron-based renewable and sustainable alternatives. Independent suppliers, covering more than a third of Europe’s demand, play a crucial role in an evolving market by bringing competition which is vital to the economy. Their independence enables them to respond rapidly to changes in terms of market structure, products, and services, contributing to security of supply on a local, regional, and national level.